Saturday, February 11, 2006

Preview 4.0

It's Nearing
Now TIME is Precipitously Over-Veneered; which is only occasionally negative. "Well, which is it?!!"
Here is an instant of what you can expect from Mr. Sean Clute.
And in typical 21st century fashion, feel free to indulge your Premature Obsolete Virtue, Nostalgia, with an exciting look behind the scenes here: Sean's Documentary.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Preview 3.0

And Now...

Now this is just Patently Obvious Voyeurism. Or is it?...
These highly intriguing frames were submitted by Jeanne Applegate.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Preview 2.0

Another Glimpse of the Future

At the risk of Purposely Overusing Vices, Jeanne Applegate has declared her intention to participate!

Now, this, from the creative manipulations of Michael Trigilio.

Persephone's Overbearing Void!!! We have a poster! And that poster looks like: